17. September 2011- Scheveningen
I sold my 4.8 Maui Sails Loco and bought instead a 4.9 Neilpryde Firefly 2011 and a new Neilpryde X3 400 skinny mast!
When I visited a friend in delft (NL), I expected a nice wave session in Scheveningen nearby Den Haag. Unfortunately the forecast (26 knots) was completely downgraded and there was hardly enough wind for my 5.7 Firefly. Although it was a good feeling to surf in waves again after a long time. I could catch some good waves and practice jumping in waves a bit.
Now I'm waiting for stronger wind to test my new equiment for the first time.
12. September 2011 - Weiße Düne
I'v been at the spot "Weiße Düne" with two of my surf buddies! We had a lot of wind so it was really fun sailing! In the beginning I could stuck really smooth spocks and after that I caught two on cam. You can watch the video here.
07. September 2011 - After work session Steinhude
Today in the evening I've been in Steinhude for 3h. The Wind blew perfect to have a lot of power with 5.7 and so I could stuck many spocks, air jibes and mega long bodydrags.
05. September 2011 - Lightwindsession Steinhuder Meer
Although the windfinder forecast didn't look very promising, the poplar in front of my windows could convince me to give it a try, so I drove to the Steinhuder Meer for a lightwind session. When I arrived there was any wind at the spot and everybody was about to leave. Hoping to catch some good gusts I took my 5.7 and sailed to the middle of the lake, where the wind was a bit stronger than in the littoral zone. Unfortunately there were only 2 gusts that were strong enough for planing. Anyway I'm contented with this session, because I could stuck the spock with a quota of 100%.
29. August 2011 - After work session in Steinhude
Today I only went for an afterwork session to my homespot Steinhuder Meer. I entered the water at 5:30pm, where we had quite autumn conditions with only 12°C air temperature. I had enough wind for 5.0 and could stuck some nice spocks during this only one and a half hours lasting session.
19. August 2011 - Steinhude
Today Simon Nietiedt und me went freestyling in Steinhude. I could stuck many spocks, full planed super long bodydrags, one onehanded air jibe and even my first spock 540. You can watch a clip with Simon's action of the last half an hour here.
07. August 2011 - Surferbeach Mardorf
Today I went really early to the Steinhuder Meer to surf in the best possible conditions. In the first two hours the wind was way stronger than predicted, so I really kicked my ass for leaving my 4.8 at home. I had to ride my 5.7 overpowered but anyways I could stuck a few spocks and some really clean Air Jibes. At 4 p.m. the wind fell asleep and we finished our session. All in all it was a great day.
04. August 2011 - Video Finikounda 2011
We just finished our summer video "Dem Bad Boys in Finikounda" and put it online on our vimeo channels. Click here to watch it!
30. July 2011 - Steinsession
Today I went to my homespot Steinhuder Meer for the first time again after the vacations in Greece. We only had enough wind for 5.7, but nevertheless I could stuck more that 20 air jibes and some spocks.
15. July 2011 - Finally some wind
Now I've been in Greece for a while, but we didn't have luck with the wind. Except omf one good day with 20 knots there was hardly no wind. Now it looks like there will be some good days in the next week, so I hope we'll get what the forecasts promises.
18. June 2011 - First Spocks
Today I had a nice session at Weiße Düne - Steinhuder Meer, where i met two of my buddies. We rigged up our 4.8s and went to the middle of the lake, where you could find perfect flatwater! After two spock attempts I could finally land my first spock. In the end of the session I landed two spocks and had a lot of really good spock attempts.
17. June 2011 - Wakeboarding Blauer See
A driend and I went to lake "Blauer See" in Garbsen for an afternoon wakeboard session. We filmed a little bit as a test for his new GoPro HD Hero and cut a short clip. Check it out!
15. June 2011 - New Camcorder
Today I bought a new cam for filming in Full HD - the Panasonic HDC-SD99. After viewing some sample videos on youtube I'm really stoked about the quality this cam delivers. So now I can record all my movies and clips in Full HD, which will be really useful in my summervacation in greece.
10. June 2011 - philippkrueger.com goes international
From now on I will keep my page up to date in english and german.
Stay tuned!
8. Juni 2011 - New Boom
I just got my new boom! I bought a North Sails Silver Boom 150-200 with a bar diameter of 28mm. Now I just got to wait for some wind to ride it for the first time. Hopefully before my
summer vacation in greece.
30. May 2011 - 2 weeks Wangerooge
Right now I am on the north frisian island wangerooge and had a super sick session with perfect flatwater in the west of the island. Yesterday we had a bid day with up to 38 knots! Check the pictures and the short clip I cut after these two amazing weeks with my friends on the island!
14. May 2011 - One week Norderney
Today I took the train to the north frisian island norderney, where i visit a friend and of course want to spend some time at the famous freestylespots. When you have low tide, there are perfect flatwater conditions in between the sandbanks! I started learning the spock and nearly stuck the first one. I cut a short clip with some spock attempt sequences. Check it out!
8. May 2011 - Steinhuder Meer
The forecast of windfinder was totally wrong - so I had a perfect session. I could go with my 5.7 in pretty constant wind from southeast and sunshine. I started going for spock, but i'll still need some more sessions until i'll stick my first one.
12. April 2011 - Full Power Heidorn
Today I had a great session with pretty choppy conditions on the south side of the steinhuder meer. We so measured 31knots in gusts so I was a little overpowered with my 4.8 Loco. It was really hard to find a good place to freestyle in this gusty and choppy conditions, but in the sportboat habour of Groß Heidorn we had pretty gusty conditions but nice flatwater. Finally I could manage to stuck my first Willy Skipper!
7. April 2011 - At last Steinhuder Meer
After the winter closure I had my first session at my homespot Steinhuder Meer today. I could test my new 2011 Choco Fins Royal Flush "Gollito Style" 19cm and had no spin outs at all, although i was riding a big board with 108L. I'm really surprised how early this fin starts planing and how perfect it slides - a simply awesome freestyle fin! In comparison to the old Royal Flush the new one starts planing even earlier!
The new Choco Fins Royal Flush is definitively no Bluff!
21. Februar 2011 - Choco Fins
In my opinion Choco Fins developes the best windsurfing fins. That's why I'm super happy to be supported with awesome fins by Choco Fins Company.
On the Choco Fins homepage you can get some information about all the choco fins.
I got the new Choco Fins Royal Flush V01 "Gollito Style" in 19cm and can't wait to test it.
5. Februar 2011 - Lake in Nordstemmen
I love it, when the windforecast is proved right. Strong wind was predicted, so I had about 25 knots for the first session in 2011.
The water was still very cold, because one day ago there were still ice floes on it.
I could ride my new Maui Sails Loco 4.8 and I'm pretty stoked about this sail. It's perfect for freesyle in full power strong wind conditions.
Edit: I cut a short video out of the footage of 30min filming. Check it out!
26. Januar 2011 - Nordswell
From now on Nordswell supports me and equips me with stylish surferclothes. Nordswell is a german brand, where they produces surfwear for surfers designed by surfers.
Check out the Nordswell-Shop, I'm sure you will some stylish clothes.